Colorado Access

Organization: A nonprofit health care company that serves members without Colorado



Early on during the COVID-19 pandemic, the creatives at Colorado Access knew they wanted to quickly offer providers engaging health care information that wasn’t “duplicative, conflicting, or contrary” to existing COVID-19 conversations.


They decided on a weekly newsletter which provided straightforward COVID-19 updates. In it they included policy procedures, billing codes, and other relevant pandemic updates. Also, the newsletter discussed the pandemic’s impact on Colorado Access and the state of Colorado.

According to Heidi Warner, Senior Manager of Marketing and Communications, “We had to make it up as we went along. And we weren’t sure how we would make it happen. We needed to figure out how to get the content, put it into a format, get it reviewed, and then send it out in a quicker timeline than our regular projects. If we collaborated via email, it would have been a disaster,” she said, adding that Lytho helped turn all of that around.

They worked with a provider-focused team that met each week to decide on content. Then, they emailed a document to the marketing team for editing and, finally, get the project added to Lytho. This helped keep everyone on track on what next steps to take and when to take them by. This allowed them to stay on target and produce the newsletter every Thursday. Next, the web manager formatted the copy and put the proof into Review + Approval. Because they set up the intake process and the newsletter so clearly, the COVID-19 update typically only required one round of reviews, whether it was “Approved As Is” or “Approved With Changes.”

The First COVID-19 Newsletter Goes Out

They sent the first COVID-19 weekly newsletter to providers and community members on April 30, 2020. “Our numbers showed people found it quite useful. This was evident by the slightly higher open rate than our regular provider newsletter.” Heidi attributes the open rate increase to its contents. By featuring 3-5 crucial bullet points for providers, they successfully communicated about COVID-19 and its impact in Colorado.

She also credits Lytho for helping smooth out the process. While they planned for the COVID-19 newsletter, the team was also acclimating to Lytho’s functionality in the intake process. This came in addition to the Review + Approval path they already used. “It was a really useful tool for us to add multiple projects to quickly,” said Heidi. “And once we all moved to a remote working world, it became super relevant and important to use this one-stop shop tracking system of requests, reporting, projects, and collaboration,” Heidi said.

The Benefits of Using Lytho’s Creative Operations Platform During COVID-19

“It’s a great tool to make sure everything stayed current,” Heidi said. “In the every-changing world of COVID-19, we found it very helpful to have a platform where we can manage people without email. Candidly, email people with changes gets super confusing and contributes to further confusion. Now, we just direct stakeholders to Lytho to add their comments and feedback. And we, in turn, ensure we’re accurate and up to date.”

Colorado Access also realized another benefit to using Lytho. Less of a need to have virtual meetings as offices shut down for the pandemic. All of a project’s details and feedback go through Lytho, and Heidi estimates that by doing so, they were able to eliminate 1-3 meetings a week on discussing the asset. “We could have talked about it in a meeting, but then when it comes to putting in the edits, they’re going to be lost in the translation. So cut the meeting, put the edits into Lytho, and I’ll follow up with you if there’s any confusion,” she said.


The team is now revamping their regular provider newsletter to duplicate their prior success. “We’re modeling our provider newsletter after the simple process we followed for the COVID-19 update. We use bullet points to inspire success as a Colorado Access provider.”

Numbers Coloradoaccess

Lytho helps you streamline your entire workflow and harmonize all brand collateral under a single, uniform platform. Feel free to reach out to us by scheduling a demo and learning how our creative solutions can boost the effectiveness of your creative projects. We look forward to speaking with you!

Do you want to give yourself and your creative team more room for creative stimulation by automating the boring stuff? Lytho helps you streamline your entire workflow and harmonize all brand collateral under a single, uniform platform. Feel free to reach out to us by scheduling a demo and learning how our creative solutions can boost the effectiveness of your creative projects. We look forward to speaking with you!

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