Looking for a marketing dictionary to decode industry jargon, obscure etymologies, and every other type of -ology marketers love to throw around? You’ll find plenty of straightforward, informative versions out there — but this isn’t one of them.
If you’re new to marketing and hoping for a serious breakdown of its five core concepts, well … There are at least 72, and none of us agree on them. If you’re in the mood to debate the philosophical meaning of marketing itself, that’s a rabbit hole best saved for another day. And if you’re looking to wage war over the latest buzzwords, we respect the passion, but this won’t help.
If what you really need is a good laugh and some painfully relatable marketing truths, you’re in the right place. Our pro-fun, slightly profane marketing dictionary is made for people like you.
Why Every Marketing Team Needs Its Own Dictionary
Marketing jargon is a beast of its own. One minute, you’re discussing “brand storytelling,” and the next, someone’s passionately debating whether an email subject line is punchy enough to disrupt the buyer’s journey. Meanwhile, the creative team just wants to know if “ASAP” actually means right now or sometime before Q3.
The problem is that marketing teams love their lingo, but they don’t always agree on what it means. Ask three different people what GTM stands for, and you’ll get:
“Go-to-market” (obviously, says the strategist).
“Google Tag Manager” (scoffs the web developer).
“Get the money” (winks the sales rep).
See the issue? Without a shared marketing dictionary (official or not) conversations turn into translation exercises. The same acronyms, phrases, and buzzword-y nonsense mean different things to different people, depending on their team, company, or caffeine levels.
So, what’s the solution? Besides completely banning acronyms (tempting, but unrealistic), the next best thing is embracing the chaos. That’s where our pro-fun marketing dictionary comes in — to document, decode, and (let’s be honest) playfully mock the language of marketing, one term at a time.
Now, let’s get to the good stuff.
Marketing Jargon That Deserves a Spot in the Dictionary
Marketing is a breeding ground for “buzzwords.” Some make sense, some make us cringe, and some should have been retired decades ago. Yet, we keep using them, sprinkling them into meetings like overenthusiastic chefs who don’t know when to stop with the salt.
Here are a few marketing terms that absolutely deserve a spot in this dictionary, along with their real definitions:
“Low-Hanging Fruit”
What it should mean: Easy opportunities with minimal effort.
What it actually means: “Do this first because we’re out of time and budget.”
What it should mean: Teams working together in perfect harmony.
What it actually means: “We don’t know how these departments fit together, but let’s pretend they do.”
“Growth Hacking”
What it should mean: Clever, innovative marketing strategies to scale quickly.
What it actually means: “We have no money, so let’s just try a bunch of random stuff and hope for the best.”
What it should mean: Making informed decisions based on solid analytics.
What it actually means: “We’ll cherry-pick numbers that support what we were going to do anyway.”
What it should mean: Genuine, transparent brand communication.
What it actually means: “Make it sound real — but only in a way that sells.”
What it should mean: Using resources efficiently to maximize impact.
What it actually means: “Use something we already have because we’re not making anything new.”
Marketing lingo evolves fast, and some of these words might be replaced by even trendier ones next year. But until then, they remain essential parts of our daily jargon — whether we like it or not.
The World’s First Profane (and Pro-Fun) Marketing Dictionary
Part of our workplace banter is to message each other with acronyms that are never what they seem. Different departments use the same acronym to mean different things, which is why many items on the following list have more than one backronym. Just imagine opening your Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, or Discord to one of the below:
WTF: Where’s the file, or wait, there’s funding?
DAM: Dangerous assumption, mate
BFD: Black Friday deal, big fat disclaimer, or bulk file download
FFS: File finding statistics, foreign formatting specifications
STFU: Spice that form up, or sent the file unintentionally
GTFO: Get that folder open or get the food out
FYFI: For your future implementation
IDGAF: I didn’t get a form
OMFG: Outbound marketing from Google
FART: Final Approval Required Today
S&M: Sales & Marketing
AF: Approved final
MOFO: Master of freaking out
NSFW: Notes said Friday works
FUBAR: Firmly understood brand and reputation
BS: Budget setting, big save, business services, balance sheet, business strategy, or brainstorming session
TF: Typeface, to fill, or tiny fonts
FTW: For the web, free to watch, forward the Word, or final technical wire-frame
LMAO: Let’s make another one, or let me ask operations
ROFL: Read over feedback later
FCOL: Fab colleague on leave, or first cut-off line
GTFOH: Gee, thanks for offering help
FAFO: First ask for opinions
BRB: Brand refresh brainstorm
LOL: Lack of leads
TBH: The budget’s halved
FAQ: Forgot about quotas
ROI: Ridiculously optimistic initiative
SEO: Some edits overdue
CTA: Can’t think of anything
PDF: Please don’t forget
PNG: Probably not good
MP4: Marketing’s panicking, four versions later
Lost in Translation: The Struggle of Cross-Team Communication
Ever tried asking the sales team for a simple update and ended up in a 45-minute meeting that somehow turned into a deep dive on revenue projections? Or maybe you’ve asked a designer for a “small tweak,” only to receive a Slack message in all caps explaining why your “tiny” request requires rebuilding the entire project from scratch?
Yeah. Welcome to cross-team communication.
Marketing teams collaborate with sales, creative, IT, finance, and leadership — each with their own unique (read: frustrating) interpretations of the same words. Let’s break down some of the biggest offenders:
“This should be a quick fix.”
What marketing means: A simple adjustment to improve messaging or design.
What the creative team hears: Throw out everything and start over.
What IT hears: Nothing about this is quick. Why are you like this?
“Can we make this pop?”
What marketing means: Add some flair to grab attention.
What design hears: Use more neon. Also, cry.
What leadership hears: Finally, someone understands the importance of synergy!
“We need more data.”
What marketing means: Are these numbers good or bad? Please advise.
What analytics hears: Let me just build a dashboard so complex it requires a PhD in statistics.
What leadership hears: Make a graph that justifies whatever decision we already made.
“Let’s align.”
What marketing means: Let’s get everyone on the same page.
What sales hears: Convince marketing we need more lead gen.
What creative hears: Oh no, another meeting.
The reality is, every team speaks its own language, and without some level of shared understanding (or at least a very patient project manager), communication breakdowns happen. The best way to avoid them is with clear briefs, defined expectations, and — when in doubt — over-explaining everything.
Make Sense of Marketing Today With Lytho
Marketing language is chaotic, unpredictable, and often completely ridiculous — but that’s what makes it fun. Whether you’re decoding acronyms, dodging buzzwords, or just trying to get sales and creative on the same page, a shared marketing dictionary can make life a little easier (or at least more entertaining). Now, if only we could all agree on what “ASAP” actually means.
Lytho simplifies creative collaboration by bringing your entire workflow and brand assets into one streamlined platform. Want to see how our solutions can improve efficiency and keep your team aligned? Schedule a demo today — let’s make marketing a little less WTF.
Do you want to give yourself and your creative team more room for creative stimulation by automating the boring stuff? Lytho helps you streamline your entire workflow and harmonize all brand collateral under a single, uniform platform. Feel free to reach out to us by scheduling a demo and learning how our creative solutions can boost the effectiveness of your creative projects. We look forward to speaking with you!
Ready to simplify your creative operations and start having a little fun at work again?
Schedule time to talk with us.Let us show you how Lytho’s Creative Operations Platform helps in-house creative and marketing teams do better work, ease the stakeholder experience, and stay on brand.
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