Creative Operations + Content Operations: Two Best-In-Breed Platforms Join Forces to Streamline Marketing Execution

Every workday, marketing teams around the world are powering up to grab attention, engage audiences, and grow their brands. These organizations are filled with people that should be collaborating and working efficiently to achieve those desired outcomes.

But when you look behind the curtain, you often find a bunch of stressed-out teams executing disjointed processes in disconnected tools. Why is this chaos the reality for so many teams?

Because reaching your target audience where they are, at the moment they have a need, requires a soaring level of strategy, planning, and creative execution. Your team is pumping out personalized content for more channels, faster than ever. But visibility into the campaign’s big picture? That’s often missing.

Picture this: a marketing operation where everything is connected in one simple, powerful suite of tools. That’s what we’re creating.


We are excited to announce that Lytho has acquired DivvyHQ, a results-driven content operations platform for content marketing and communications teams.

Why DivvyHQ?

There’s no better time than now to give all marketing teams an integrated toolset that fully manages all aspects of the content creation lifecycle.

This acquisition allows Lytho to more quickly deliver on that vision by adding content performance analysis, strategic reporting, content ideation, and more robust campaign and content planning capabilities.

When coupled with Lytho’s best-in-class workflowcreative review and approval, and digital asset management capabilities, all teams can work within a centralized, collaborative hub to manage their entire marketing operation.

About the acquisition, Lytho’s CEO Doug Thede stated…

“Lytho is committed to finding ways to help our customers achieve better content outcomes. One area that we believed we could help was in the early stages, before a creative request is even submitted: Planning.

We know teams struggle with simplifying and enhancing their planning and foresight. As such, we identified DivvyHQ as having more robust capabilities for planning and calendaring. Furthermore, DivvyHQ’s unique approach and success has been with content marketing and communications teams, which expands on our historical concentration on creative teams.”

Divvyhq Process Flow Diagram White Bg

Our Next Step

The acquisition of DivvyHQ represents a significant step forward for Lytho and its commitment to providing innovative solutions for content creation and process management. And while DivvyHQ will continue to be available as a standalone product for the foreseeable future, Lytho and DivvyHQ are already working on integrating their platforms to provide customers with a more seamless and efficient content creation experience. Customers can look forward to improvements in strategic planning, content proofing, and digital asset management capabilities later in 2024.